As seen in

Signature talks
How to Raise Successful Kids–Without Overparenting
In this widely acclaimed talk, Julie draws on her research, conversations with educators and admission officers, and her own insights as a mother and the former dean of freshman at Stanford University to highlight the ways in which overparenting harms kids and prevents them from developing self-efficacy: the knowledge that one’s own actions lead to outcomes.
Listen as she offers practical strategies that underline the importance of allowing children to make their own mistakes and develop the resilience, resourcefulness, and inner determination necessary to become healthy, thriving adults.
Watch this talk on YouTubeWhat It Means to Be Black in White Spaces
In this powerful talk on identity and community, Julie shares her experience as a Black and biracial woman growing up in white spaces. She found that even as she accomplished so much—graduating from Stanford University and Harvard Law School, working as a corporate lawyer and as Stanford’s first-ever dean of freshmen—she still couldn’t escape the grip racism, discrimination, and microaggressions had on her sense of self.
Listen as she shares how she found self-acceptance through the healing power of community. Her story is deeply personal, but its message is universal: people from marginalized communities will recognize echoes of their own experiences, and allies will learn how they can better show up, listen, and advocate for others.
Watch this talk on Vimeo
Throw Out the Checklisted Childhood
The world looks vastly different for kids today than it did for their parents. Everything is highly connected, fast-moving, and often overwhelming. As a result, many students feel lost, lonely, empty, unsure, insecure, or ashamed.
In this compassionate and inspiring talk, Julie encourages kids and educators alike to throw out the checklist of accomplishments they’ve been told will lead to a happy life—the classes they should take, the requirements they need to meet, the short list of colleges they must get into—and instead focus on finding the courage to be who they are.
Watch this talk on YouTube